Restorative poses help relieve the symptoms of day-to-day stress and promote better sleep and relaxation. Here, yoga instructor Gabi Bruce takes you through the asanas that can help soothe your mind and make you feel calm.
Downward Dog
This is a good starting pose for calming the mind. Begin on hands and knees. Exhale. Push hips back and move into pose with hands shoulder-width apart and fingers spread and pressing into ground. Bend knees as much as necessary to lengthen spine. Keep elbows slightly bent.
Rotated Downward Dog
This pose not only stretches and strengthens the whole body, but also invigorates the spine and gets blood flowing freely. From downward dog, exhale, then twist and hold opposite shin or thigh. Take two deep breaths, then repeat on other side.
This pose not only stretches and strengthens the whole body, but also invigorates the spine and gets blood flowing freely. From downward dog, exhale, then twist and hold opposite shin or thigh. Take two deep breaths, then repeat on other side.
Child’s Pose
Do this pose any time you feel tired, stressed, or overwhelmed. It’s also the pose you can move into during your yoga workout when you need to rest. Kneel on floor with big toes touching each other. Sit back on heels and keep knees hip-width apart. Bend forward, resting head on floor with arms at sides (palms up) or reaching out in front (palms down).
Twisting poses help stimulate circulation and are restorative for your spine. Sit comfortably with legs crossed and, with an elongated spine, rotate to one side. Hold for a minute, then repeat on the other side.
Lie on your back and bring soles of feet together by gently bending knees. Your arms can be at sides, resting comfortably on your chest, or above your head. Start by staying in this pose for one minute and gradually work your way up to 10 minutes.
Lie on your back and bring soles of feet together by gently bending knees. Your arms can be at sides, resting comfortably on your chest, or above your head. Start by staying in this pose for one minute and gradually work your way up to 10 minutes.
Happy Baby Pose
Lie on your back, exhale, and bend knees into stomach. Inhale, then grip outside of feet with hands. Hold for one minute, then release..
Corpse Pose
This pose, also known as savasana, is one of the most important moves in yoga. As well as allowing the body to rest, it gives it time to process your yoga practice. For corpse pose, simply lie on your back with eyes closed. Rest arms at sides, with palms facing upwards. Lie in this state for at least five minutes, relaxing the whole body.