Bold reds pair perfectly with aged cheeses – as cheese ages and loses water-content, it becomes rich in flavour with its increased fat content. These two attributes are ideal for matching bold red wines because the fat content in the cheese counteracts the high-tannins in the wine. For the best pairing, pick cheeses that have been aged at least a year including Cheddar, Manchego, Gouda or Provolone.
Pair the weight and texture of wine with cheese – when it comes to pairings, balance is key. Items of similar weight will not overpower one another, and more likely create a sense of harmony. The texture is also an important window into a great pairing. For example, a creamy cheese like Brie works well with a buttery Chardonnay.
Pair wine and cheese from the same region – Italian Chianti with parmesan, Champagne with French brie – you know the drill.
On most occasions, pick white over red – Remember the fruits that pair well with cheese, apples, pears and grapes, are flavours most found in white wines. Choose unoaked white wines for their crisp finish as a counterpoint to creamy cheese.
Go nuts for nuts – Although it’s National Cheese and Wine Day, it’s important to make sure you’ve got some other sides to assist the stars of the show. Little snacks like nuts and fruits complement wine and cheeses, and really allow certain flavours in both to shine.