I’ve spent quite a long time trying to find
the words to say this
but none of them
You see it’s easy to talk about butterflies.
To say that
If you were the sun I’d bathe in you until
I was
I guess it’s harder to truly say what I feel
Because no analogy
no metaphor
no string of words or letters
could ever capture the feeling of when
Look at
when you look at me
I fly and I fall at the same time.
I’m entirely dismantled.
Everyday I wake up and I’m still
You’re the story that’s in the back of my
the film that’s always playing
the one I can’t help but narrate because I
have to know how it ends.
But you don’t end.
I’m blessed with the privilege of an
eternal dream-state of you.
Stephanie Harding
Hillarys, WA
Our Winning Poem:
Stephanie says: “My poem details what I felt when I was enthralled in my first experience of being in love. I wrote it almost to act as imaginary vows for a future I so deeply wanted with my partner at the time. Looking back on it, the words are bittersweet as I’m no longer in that relationship. However, I think there’s a sentimentality about it that is heartwarming. There’s also perhaps a desperation, which although it reflects the intensity of the emotion, also acts somewhat as foreshadowing for the demise of the relationship.”