Once-in-a-lifetime adventure: 6 reasons to explore Greenland

<em>Stian Klo</em>
Stian Klo
With its pristine landscapes, remote beauty, friendly locals and endearing wildlife, a trip to Greenland is perfect for those chasing the ultimate arctic adventure. 

An adventure to the world’s largest island, Greenland, is the kind of trip that broadens your view of the world, switching on all your senses and stays with you forever. And the best way to experience Greenland is from the water.

1. Hard-to-reach wonders.

A small ship can take you between towns as well as into deep fjords between glistening icebergs, past semi-submerged glaciers where few others have ventures. “With no real road system, the best way to explore Greenland is via ship and there’s no way better than on our Hurtigruten fleet,” says Damian Perry, Managing Director, APAC Region at Hurtigruten Group.

2. Expert guides.

Nature is what draws people into Greenland. As Perry explains, cruises like those offered by Hurtigruten Expeditions offer insight and guidance from experienced guides.

3. Landscapes like no other.

Perry vividly remembers his initial Hurtigruten Expedition to Greenland and witnessing the extraordinary scenery for the first time. “The scale is amazing and along the lines of the overwhelming feeling when heading to Antarctica. The beauty of the region is well documented but the feeling of remoteness less so. You know you are in some of the remotest regions of the world when sailing in Greenland.”

4. Whales, narwhals and gyrfalcons.

Greenland’s diverse wildlife includes whales, Greenlandic gyrfalcons and seals sunning themselves on ice floes certainly capture your attention. “Late one evening I distinctly remember being on deck taking part ina. lecture on ice with samples displayed in our wet area when we look up at a pod of narwhal whales,” recalls Perry.

Stian Klo

5. Rich and beautiful culture.

Along with its landscapes and wildlife, Greenland is also home to a rich and beautiful culture with a welcoming local community. The first people to set foot in Greenland arrived around 4-5000 years ago. Six different Inuit cultures have immigrated in several waves since then creating a strong Inuit culture. European colonialism has influenced modern-day Greenland as well, fusing Scandinavian cultures and traditions with local Inuit traditions. Off-shore expeditions allows visitors to experience authentic Inuit traditions, such as leather tanning and dog sledding.

6. Green valleys and wildflowers.

While many a drawn to Greenland in the winter months for the chance to witness the Northern Lights and snowscapes, Greenland is also a stunning place to explore in summer. “During summer there are lush green valleys full of wildflowers and animals such as reindeer, muskoxen and Arctic fox to be spotted, not to mention the whales migrating through the region during the summer months.


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