The easiest way to manage hay fever symptoms is to act proactively. Consider these lifestyle changes ahead of the spring season.
If you’re one of the 27% of Australians over the age of 14 who suffer from allergic eyes triggered by pollen, the impending arrival of spring may not bring you as much joy as others. However, there’s no reason you can’t look forward to an allergy-free spring – with a bit of preparation.
A few easy lifestyle adjustments in the lead up to allergy season can help to reduce symptoms relating to allergic eyes.
Vacuum regularly: Run over your carpets often and dust around your home (dampen the worst areas).
Keep your bedding clean: Change your sheets and pillowcases regularly.
Close your windows: This will help keep the allergens out.
Cut down on alcohol: Beer, wine and spirits all contain histamines, which only adds to your misery.
Get a good night’s sleep: When your body is under attack, it needs all the recovery time you can get.
Reduce stress: Experts say that stress will increase the severity of your springtime woes.
Plan your day: Try not to go out in peak allergen time (tree pollen is at its worse in the morning). If you exercise outside, leave it until the late afternoon or evening.
Keep the eye drops handy: A visit to your local chemist will calm your symptoms. Even better, if you’re proactive you can avoid allergic, itchy eyes altogether.
However, if you find yourself standing in a chemist in front of a selection of eyes drops, you may find yourself confused – which one works best? Pharmacologist Dr Hartley Atkinson says there are a number of factors to consider. “Something I have never understood is why there are preservatives and phosphates in eye drops – why put further irritants in eyes that are already irritated?” he says.
Dr Atkinson advises on choosing an eye drop for allergy suffers, that not only relieves symptoms of hay fever, but also works proactively to prevent them altogether. Prevention is better than cure.