Loud Shirt Day is an annual fundraiser that contributes much-needed funds to The Shepherd Centre, and similar organisations around Australia that give deaf children the gift of sound and speech.
Their ethos is to teach kids who are hearing impaired listening, language and social skills so they can attend mainstream schools with their hearing buddies. They have incredible success rates, despite only receiving 30% funding from the government. The aim is to help increase this support.
How can you help support this cause?
- Donate a social media post – get talking on your feed about Loud Shirt Day for their launch today, Friday, August 17th. Encourage your friends to sign up, donate and hashtag #loudshirtday, from now until October 19th.
- Throw a party – get your friends together and create your own fundraiser. Encourage everyone you know to get involved and make a lot of noise about it on social media. Register via the LoudShirt Day and tag @ShepherdCentre in your posts.