A pregnancy, however uncomplicated, is often a nerve-wracking time for any expectant parent. Spare a thought then for Australian mum Kimi Maxwell, who, before having her second baby in 2014 learned that she had breast cancer.
Faced with the devastating news, this brave mum continued with her pregnancy whilst she fought her cancer. As part of her treatment, Kimi underwent a double mastectomy whilst she was still pregnant.
In an effort to raise awareness, Kimi then posed for an inspiring and raw photo shoot showing both her growing baby bump, and healing scars. Kimi wrote “I survived” across her chest, along with “So did I” over her bump.
Her photographer, Nikki Holmes, shared Kimi’s incredible story on Facebook, “Kimi has defeated the odds, battling breast cancer whilst pregnant. Her positivity and strength shine through in these pics!”
In a wonderful outcome, Kimi gave birth to a baby girl, who joined her mum in another shoot celebrating their status as survivors. Kimi is now in remission and is almost finished with reconstructive surgery.
Her photographer Nikki has a fundraising initiative for the Breast Cancer Research Centre WA. Find out more about it here.