The brightly-coloured, delicious raspberry has a wealth of health benefits that nourish the body. How much did you know about this tasty fruit? Here are six amazing health benefits of eating raspberries.
They reduce the risk of heart disease: raspberries have a high potassium content which helps regulate blood pressure and heart beat. Additionally, they are rich in minerals including iron, copper and manganese, which produce red blood cells.
They promote weight loss: high in dietary fibre and manganese, raspberries slow the digestive process, making you feel full for longer. They also have a high water and potassium content, which fights dehydration.
They enhance eye health: the vitamin A and C in raspberries fights eye disease by cleaning the eye membranes and preventing them from drying out.
They fight cancer: raspberries have one of the highest antioxidant concentrations of any fruit in the world, which are known to fight cancer. They also reduce inflammation through their phytonutrients.
They boost immunity: raspberries rich vitamin C content enhances immunity to everyday infection and illness, while simultaneously cleaning blood cells to fight viruses.
Healthy skin: want smooth skin? The antioxidants in raspberries enhance cell regeneration of bones, skin and blood vessels, while also repairing damaged skin tissue.
Vegan Raw Raspberry & Coconut Cake (pictured)
Raspberry and Coconut Swirl Ice-Cream