Support your pet’s winter fur health with Omega Plus Pet Food


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Omega Plus Pet Food is the #1 choice when it comes to keeping our pets’ coats thick and healthy enough to stay warm in the cooler weather.

Seeing our pets’ new coats come in as winter descends is adorable – as their new layer of fuzzy fur is cause for even more cuddles. We can help maintain their winter coat by giving them a diet that supports fur health. With New Zealand King Salmon being the #1 ingredient in all Omega Plus Pet Food products, the brand is a great choice for protecting our fur babies’ fluff. Omega Plus Pet Food’s combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids helps brighten dull coats and reduce dry, itchy skin. Omega-6s help decrease skin and coat abnormalities, while omega-3s can reduce shedding by improving the health of hair follicles … an extra bonus for cat owners, as less shedding means fewer hairball clean-ups!

Wilma the ragdoll and Maisy the schnauzer demonstrate how beneficial Omega Plus is for their fur. Both pets’ diet consist of Omega Plus Pet Food products, and their winter coats are the better for it – lush, thick and beautifully soft. Wilma is fluffier than she ever has been, with her coat growth making her appear double her size. Despite all this extra fur, her coat has maintained its silky texture, without any knots.

As for Maisy — an active dog who loves walks around the lakes with the occasional swim – having a thick coat is essential for winter. Since she started eating Omega Plus Pet Food, the thickness of her coat has improved so much that she no longer needs a jacket on colder mornings. She adores the salmon tail treats, which have played a large role in keeping her fur super healthy, shiny and soft.

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Omega Plus – The Salmon superfood for your pets.

Omega Plus Pet Food can be purchased at all good supermarkets, Animates, and Pet Direct. Find stockists at:




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