Amy Adams, 41, reprises her role as the feisty newspaper reporter, Lois Lane, in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, starring alongside Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck, which just hit theatres.
Adams is on the Warner Bros lot in Hollywood with the rest of the cast to promote the movie. She is truly one of the most consistently likable Hollywood stars. She’s chatty with a good sense of humour.
The award-winning movie star has four Oscar nominations, has starred in such movies as Junebug (2005) Enchanted (2007), The Fighter (2010), American Hustle (2013), and Big Eyes (2014).
In her private life, she is mother to her 5-year-old daughter, Aviana, with whom she is raising with her husband Darren Le Gallo.
This is your second time as Lois Lane but now you have two super heroes on your hands and not just superman. What was that like?
I didn’t get a chance to work with Ben a ton, but it was so much fun on set when I got to see them in their battle. I knew it was going to be really special and very epic, as they say. But there are actually three super heroes because we also introduce Wonder Woman. I just have to say that she was my favourite, sorry Henry and Ben! It was so nice to have that really strong female energy on set. We actually didn’t get to do a whole scene together; it was just one scene over the course of a couple days. Having that female energy…having Gal (Actress Gal Gadot) there was so much fun. She’s a mum and she’s a soldier and a dancer. She’s cool.
Superman comes to your rescue you a lot in the movie. Who rescues you in this world?
Who rescues me? My daughter. It’s true. It’s like I can be having the worst day and be ready to start a fire somewhere and then I come home and I’m reminded of being a soft woman and also being a strong woman. It’s really important for her to see that you can be both.
Lois is often both in need of help and also very brave. What’s the most heroic thing you have done in life?
I think my greatest days are ahead, hopefully. I think I’ve been so focused on things that maybe I haven’t lived up to my full potential when it comes to heroism. I talk about it a lot, but really my role as a mother is probably the most important thing right now, I’m trying to be her hero every day.
I did save my cousin once. He was choking on a candy and I had been taught infant Heimlich. So there you go! There’s something! But I didn’t tell anybody because he immediately threw up and I was really embarrassed. I was twelve. He threw up in church all over my aunt. So, now that’s out.
You did a great photo shoot for Max Mara. What’s your relationship with them?
I’ve worked with them for two years now, working with their handbag line and being a brand ambassador. They’re just fantastic; I have the best time with them. They do such great pieces for women and they really celebrate women in the arts, which is part of why I wanted to collaborate with them. I don’t do a lot of collaborations with brands but they stood for so many things that I could get behind.
You have described your parents as non-traditional role models, how so?
Well, my mum had seven kids, then she and my father divorced and then she kind of started over. She became a rock climber and was bodybuilding, which she hates me saying, because she says, ‘They’re going to think I’m huge.’ She is more like a fitness model now. My father was an artistic person. So my definition of how I define men and women is so different just based on influences. Like, I’ve never personally been attracted to high testosterone. I like really gentle men, I like men who are sensitive and chivalrous.
Who are your role models?
There are a lot of people I consider role models, but what’s becoming important to me right now is the idea of mentorship. That’s something I’d like to get involved with moving forward, mentoring young women. Role models, inside the industry…for me I would say Meryl Streep was a big one, simply because of how she prioritises family. I really felt that from her when I worked with her. It seems sort of a fantasy that you could have a family and be an actress. She was a really great role model in showing me that was possible.
What about politicians?
It’s funny. I sat down with my five-year-old daughter and we went over all of the candidates (US presidential candidates for 2016). I pulled them up online and had CNN on mute while I was making dinner one time. I have to mute it because you just never know what’s going to happen, and my daughter looked up and said, ‘Is that Hilary?’ I said, ‘Yeah’ and then she comments, ‘and she’s running for President?’ I said, ‘She is.’ She swelled up with pride at just knowing there’s a woman out there who is putting herself in that position. Whether she makes it or not, I’m really happy that my daughter can see that.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in cinemas on 24 March in Australia and New Zealand.