Little Seth Lane, aged 5, spends much of his short life isolated in his “bubble”, a sterile hospital room with limited contact from the outside world. He was born without an immune system –sometimes called bubble boy disease – meaning that contact with the outside world is dangerous to his health. When anybody visits including his family, they must scrub up and wear plastic hospital gowns.
Seth, who is waiting for his second bone marrow transplant after the first one was unsuccessful, loves the following: Fireman Sam, Paw Patrol and his favourite colour of all time is yellow.
In a video that has since gone viral – clocking up more than 2 million times in just a few days – Seth holds up cue cards asking people to wear yellow on March 27 and share a photo of them to social media with the hashtag, #wearyellowforseth.
Seth’s father, who will be the donor for Seth, wrote on the family’s blog of their campaign,
“Ok, so many of you have been asking about #wearyellowforseth and when it will be. #wearyellowforseth is something we’d like to do to be able to show Seth all the people in the world that are thinking about him. We have a map of the world in his room and will pin all the countries where people have posted a picture from. Also we will be printing some off and putting them up in his room. Whenever he is struggling (which is rare to be fair) we can show him your pictures.”
Seth’s mum, a full-time mother-of-two, told the Daily Mail,
‘We never meant to start any sort of campaign, and only expected friends and family to join in.
‘I can’t believe it has taken off like this. It is overwhelming.
‘I don’t think there is a single country in the world that hasn’t got someone who has got involved.
‘It all helps show Seth that people are thinking of him. I told him about the views and he asked, “Is it more than 20?’ I said “yes it is” and he said “wowee”.’

Seth has spent half of his short life in isolation. He had a dose of normal life and started attending school and making friends but his body once again turned on him and so he had to return to his bubble.
After Seth’s operation he is likely to have another year in isolation, but hopefully will then become well enough to go back to school and his friends.
The brave boy has remained cheerful despite his difficult life so far – so it seems fitting that bright yellow is his favourite – and it should be all of ours too. Especially on March 27.
To read more about Seth visit his family’s blog