
How healthy is ‘healthy’ food?

Are foods that advertise themselves as ‘low-fat’, ‘no added sugar’ or ‘wholegrain’ good for us? Not necessarily. Our shops and supermarkets are stacked with marketing hype and distracting claims about nutritional values, so checking the fine print is crucial.

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China Fashion Week: Highlights

As the Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week wound down this weekend, we look back on some of the more interesting creations that made their way down the runways in Beijing.

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Female acts tipped for chart toppers

No two lists are the same, but as pop pundits gaze into their crystal balls at the start of a new decade it is solo female performers, such as the Ellie Goulding (pictured), who looks destined for the top, at the expense of indie bands, reports MiNDFOOD.

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