Crunchy Saffron Roast Potatoes

Crunchy Saffron Roast Potatoes
Crunchy Saffron Roast Potatoes recipe, brought to you by MiNDFOOD.

Use any starchy potatoes such as Sebago, Ilam Hardy or Agria for this recipe. The duck fat makes the perfect Crunchy Saffron roast potatoes. Ideal for Sunday lunch or Christmas dinner.

Crunchy Saffron Roast Potato Recipe

Serves 6


1½ kg

1 tsp saffron threads

80g duck fat


Put potatoes into a large saucepan with saffron. Cover with cold water and place over a high heat. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until just tender. Drain. Cool.

Preheat oven to 200C. Using the prongs of a fork, run over all sides of each potato to form a rough surface.

Place duck fat into a roasting pan and place over a low heat until fat melts. Remove from heat. Add potatoes to the pan and coat them well with the fat. Roast for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until they are golden and crunchy. Serve.


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