Porterhouse Steaks with Persimmon and Ginger Dressing

By Kate Guthrey

Porterhouse Steaks with Persimmon and Ginger Dressing
This dressing is a true showstopper! A delicious combination of flavours that’s perfect on top of your favourite protein, like pan-seared steak.

Discover a new recipe using persimmons, try Porterhouse Steaks with Persimmon and Ginger Dressing for dinner tonight. Serve steaks with baby broccoli, persimmon and ginger dressing and diced fresh or dried persimmon.

Porterhouse Steaks with Persimmon and Ginger Dressing

Serves: 4


4 beef porterhouse steaks

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp sesame oil

2 bunches baby broccoli, halved lengthways

Diced fresh or dried persimmon, for garnish

Persimmon and Ginger Dressing

2 tbsp gluten free soy sauce

1 tbsp black vinegar

1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

Flesh of 1 very ripe Sweet or 1⁄2 a ripe Original persimmon

1 tsp fish sauce

1 tbsp grated fresh ginger

1 stalk of coriander, finely chopped (leaves, stems and root)

1 chilli, finely chopped

Optional: 1 tsp brown sugar


Remove steaks from the refrigerator to allow them to come closer to room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour before cooking.

Make the dressing, whisk all dressing ingredients together in a small bowl. Taste and add brown sugar if needed (you may not need the additional sweetness depending on the variety of persimmon used). Set aside.

Combine olive oil and sesame oil in a small bowl then coat steaks and season generously with salt and pepper. Heat a large frying pan or grill over high heat. Add steaks and cook for 3-4 mins each side for medium rare. Transfer to a plate and cover with foil. Set aside for 5 mins to rest.

Meanwhile, add a drizzle of olive oil to the same pan and reduce heat to medium. Add the baby broccoli and cook, turning occasionally for 2-3 mins or until bright green and just tender.

Serve steaks with baby broccoli, persimmon and ginger dressing, and diced fresh or dried persimmon.

Recipe from Kate Guthrey (persimmon grower)


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