Satay sauce, also known as peanut sauce, is a popular and versatile condiment that originated in Indonesia during the 19th century. It was originally made with ground peanuts, spices, and palm sugar, and served as a dipping sauce for skewered meats known as satay.
Serves 4
1 Soak 12 bamboo skewers in cold water for 20 minutes. Drain. Place ½ the satay sauce into a shallow ceramic dish. Add pork, turning to coat with sauce. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
2 Thread pork onto skewers. Preheat a chargrill or barbecue hot plate over a medium heat. Add skewers and cook for 4 minutes on each side or until cooked through.
3 Meanwhile, combine papaya and tomatoes in a bowl. Combine fish sauce, lime juice, brown sugar and pepper in a jug. Drizzle dressing onto salad just before serving. Toss until well combined and sprinkle with roasted peanuts.
4 Serve skewers with salad, prawn crackers, coriander, mint and remaining satay sauce.