Positive Affirmations and How To Make Them Work For You

By Carmarlena Murdaca

Positive Affirmations and How To Make Them Work For You
Throughout the day our minds are filled with thoughts, a constant flow of affirmations. Unfortunately for many, most of them are negative and create immense suffering. The good news is, you have the power to change this. One of the most powerful ways you can change your reality, is to retrain your thinking and how you speak to yourself.

Positive affirmations have the ability to radically change your life. That’s why they have become so popular with people from all walks of life including world-class athletes, rock stars, and even world leaders.

You only have to listen to a successful person speak, to know that they understand, you are what you think! So you may as well think positively! Here are seven powerful tips to switch it up and make your internal chatter work for you.

Make Your Affirmations Short and Sweet

Your positive affirmation should be a simple mantra that you can repeat, over and over again. It needs to be focused on the feeling, of already having what you desire, and be in the present tense e.g. I am healthy. I am successful. I am happy. I am …

Fake It Till You Make It

Don’t worry! You don’t need to believe your statements to speak or think them, or make them come true. By simply repeating your positive affirmations, you can change your old thought processes. There’s no need to force yourself to believe it, just say it and it will have a positive effect on you.

Match Your Actions With Your Affirmations

The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, and make choices in alignment with these intentions, the quicker the affirmations will work. There’s no point affirming to yourself that you are healthy and slim, and then choosing to have a large burger meal combo as your afternoon snack!

Become Success Focused

When you think and feel successful, it acts like a magnet to attract more good things into your life. Search out and acknowledge everything in your life that shows you that your affirmations are working. Create a daily success list. It can be as specific or general as you like. For example, lets say you want to improve your relationship with your partner. You might acknowledge and feel grateful that he made you a cup of tea, that he offered to drop the kids off. You can also affirm more general things like the length of time you have been together, your ability to stay connected even when you have a disagreement etc.

Be Vigilant

When you say positive affirmations you are reprogramming your mind for the better. The key is repetition, and repeating them whenever a negative thought enters your mind. You will never eliminate every single negative thought you have, but you can be vigilant and catch them when they do appear! Your mind can only think one thought at a time, so changing the negative into a positive, eliminates the negative.

Anchor The Feeling Into Your Body

Use your breath to lock your new positive thought into your body. Focus on your breath, and bring to mind how you will feel when you have been successful in achieving your goal. Stay connected to this feeling while you say your affirmation out loud. Another way to reinforce your new belief, is to say the affirmation in front of a mirror. Physically seeing yourself while doing your affirmations will help to move your affirmation from a concept, to a real, positive embodiment of the quality you seek.

Adopt A Daily Practice

Have you heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”! Well, it is certainly true for positive affirmations. Set aside quiet time every day to support you to create the change that you desire. If you can commit to giving yourself two minutes, morning, noon and night, you will quickly see the results you desire.

Rebecca Jackson is an empowerment coach and founder of Higher Love Today. Over the years, she has guided thousands of people, to connect with their true self and unique gifts, as a foundation for living a life of purpose, passion, and prosperity. She is the author of You’re Not Alone: A Practical Guide for The Awakening Soul. To find out more click here


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