Hubble Telescope captures stunning new image of Pillars of Creation


Hubble Telescope captures stunning new image of Pillars of Creation

The Hubble Space Telescope, which in 2015 completes 25 years in orbit, has gathered dramatic new views of two well-known celestial objects.

Revisiting one of its earliest and most famous photos, a new view of the Eagle Nebula shows its “Pillars of Creation” in more detail than ever before.

And a composite of 13,000 shots of our neighbouring Andromeda Galaxy becomes the telescope’s biggest ever image.

The original 1995 view of the star-forming pillars of billowing dust and gas was a sensation, and has since appeared on countless book covers, movie screens and T-shirts.

The new representation, thanks to multiple upgrades to Hubble’s systems, has a wider angle and twice the resolution.

Being 7,000 light-years away, we see the pillars as they were. If you could go there instantly now, they would have changed beyond recognition, even disappeared.


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