Floating gently down the Ganges River in Varanasi.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett relaxes having just sampled the mushrooms grown by locals in an Oxfam initiated program.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett listens in on a lesson at the Purvaiachal dalit Balika school in Ghazipur district.. Adrian Fisk
Pupils and teachers at the Purvaiachal dalit Balika school dance beneath the setting sun.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett dressed in a traditional sari in Delhi.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett comforts 43-year-old Uma Mahajan as she tells her harrowing tale of being a victim of domestic violence.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett takes a walk with Brother Steve in a slum rehabilitation colony on the outskirts of Delhi.. Adrian Fisk
A young schoolgirl learns the alphabet at the Purvaiachal dalit Balika school in Ghazipur district.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett with an elephant and its mahut on the road to Ghazipur district.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett rests in the garden of Sarnath in Varanasi. This is the place where Buddha first came and gave his sermon. It remains a site of great importance for Buddhists worldwide.. Adrian Fisk
Scarlett with 79-year-old Sophinona Thilakawathie, a Tsunami affected Sri Lankan lady. Sophinona spends her day beating coconut husks to make coir, a fibre that has many uses.. Adrian Fisk
Green powder is painted onto the girls’ faces in preparation for the Hindu Holy festival.. Adrian Fisk
Whilst floating down the Ganges river in Varanasi, Scarlett holds a lighted candle to mark the occasion.. Adrian Fisk
The volunteers gather together for a group photo.. Adrian Fisk
At a slum rehabilitation colony on the outskirts of Delhi, a schoolgirl performs Bollywood dance moves for Scarlett.. Adrian Fisk