It’s hard to find the motivation for exercise when you’re busy. Try to find 30 minutes and do a workout in the comfort of your own home. Personal trainer Nardia Norman shares some exercises to get you off the couch and into fitness.
Lean forward to put weight on your hands. Hold for 45 seconds.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
This exercise works the shoulders and upper back. Stand with legs wide, toes pointing out. Hold a dumbbell in front of the body. Keeping your back straight, draw the dumbbell up, until it’s in line with your shoulders. While maintaining a controlled motion, return to starting position.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Avoid flabby arms with this exercise. Place your hands under your shoulders. Keep your weight distributed through your hands and toes.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Keeping your shoulders back, knees bent and stomach strong, tip from the hips and lower weights towards the floor. Return to standing.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Too easy? When you lift back up, bend the elbow up as shown.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
This exercise targets the leg and back muscles. Start in a squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outwards and knees aligned with your toes. Stand up (keeping your knees slightly bent) and hinge forward at the waist with your back straight.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Deadlifts strengthen the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. If you have back problems avoid this exercise. Stand with feet apart, holding weights in front of your thighs.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
This is one of the best exercises for developing strong legs. Stand with legs hip-width apart. Step forward and lunge with one leg.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
This exercise improves your balance and strengthens your deep abdominals. Start by kneeling on all fours. Draw your bellybutton up towards your spine. Extend one arm and opposite leg straight out. Repeat on the other side.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Simultaneously row the dumbbells towards your chest, lifting your elbows to align with your shoulders. Return to starting position.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Lower the body down slowly, keeping your elbows in to keep the tension in the tricep muscles.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
This works your stomach, arms, legs and back. Place your hands one-and-a-half shoulder widths apart. Keep your legs straight with the weight of your body distributed through your hands and toes.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
This exercise will get your stomach, hips and back in shape. You can do this on your toes or your knees. Place your hands on the floor with your arms bent at a right angle. Engage your abdominals.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
It’s important to include cardio exercise in your at-home program, even if it’s stepping up and down on a step. Other good cardio exercises include star jumps, jump rope and squat jumps.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Your shin should be perpendicular to the floor. Push up with the front leg and return to standing. Hand weights optional.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis
Lower yourself, keeping your body straight.. Photography by Mel Koutchavlis