Celebrities join global protests over climate change
A girl dances under a protest parachute as people take part in the “People’s Climate March” down 6th Ave. in the Manhattan borough of New York
Protester carries a banner referring to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott as he participates in a rally called the Climate Change Action March in Sydney
People march during a rally against climate change in New York
Activists hold placards while taking part in the People’s Climate March through Midtown, New York
Activists hold a banner as they lead a march of tens of thousands down 6th Avenue during the People’s Climate March through Midtown, New York
Leonardo DiCaprio takes part in a march against climate change in New York
Some of hundreds of thousands take part in the People’s Climate March through Midtown, New York
Demonstrators in animal costumes walk in the “People’s Climate March” in central London
Actress and climate campaigner Emma Thompson speaks to media at the start of the “People’s Climate March” demonstration in London
Demonstrators in animal costumes walk in the “People’s Climate March” in central London