The cover story is one of the most important elements of the magazine. Not only does an appealing cover encourage you to pick up the mag, it also represents the vision and voice of the brand.
A great deal of my time and energy goes into the cover. We have to find the right person (someone who is smart, talented, interesting and appealing), we also have to gain access to an exclusive interview (usually through their agent or film or music distribution agency) and also find an amazing image.
Sometimes it’s a simple process, other times we may have up to ten potential cover stories on the go until one makes it to the top of the pile. We are currently putting the November issue together and we have been spoilt for choice with the option of 5 exclusive interviews with some amazing pics. But we keep coming back to one young lady who has blown us all away.
Let us know what you think of our selection when it hits the stand in October. And please let me know who you would like to see on the cover of MiNDFOOD either below or by emailing [email protected]