Win a Gen Z games pack

Four packs of You Can’t Say Umm Games and Dumb Questions to Ask Your Friends to win, RRP $69.96 each pack.

You Can’t Say Umm by Big Potato Games is the ultimate party challenge for ages 10+. Race to describe wacky things without saying “umm”—or risk the bell and hilarious chaos! Dumb Questions to Ask Your Friends is a hilarious party game for ages 10+ and lets you rank silly answers to questions you can’t see! Discover fun facts about friends and family. Perfect icebreaker for 3-8 players.


Terms and Conditions

      1. Entry is open to Australian residents only.
      2. To enter, individuals must, during the competition period, visit follow the prompts on the competition entry page, input the requested details including the answer in 25 words or less to the following question “Why would you love to win a Gen Z games pack?” and submit the fully completed entry form.
      3. Competition commences on 20/12/2024 AEST. Entries close 10pm on 05/02/2025 AEST. The judging will take place at McHugh Media Australia Pty Ltd, 102/4-14 Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 by 20/02/2025 by 12pm AEST. Winners will be notified by email. The Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
      4. The Promoter has four packs of You Can’t Say Umm Games and Dumb Questions to Ask Your Friends to giveaway, valued at $69.96. Total prize valued at $279.84.
      5. For further terms and conditions, please CLICK HERE.



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