
Safeguard yourself against stroke

Right now about 300,00 Australians are living with stroke. Anna Hickey from the National Stroke Foundation talks us through the lifestyle factors that put as at higher risk of suffering a stroke and the symptoms to watch out for.

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National Tobacco Campaign list new laws

CEO of the Australian National Preventive Health Agency, Louise Sylvan shares the latest breakthroughs and laws surrounding the national tobacco campaign.

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C’mon get happy

Many of us suffer from low self esteem from time to time. Life coach Elena Kostyugova teaches us how to best tackle life’s challenges, and reach ultimate happiness.

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Beating breast cancer

Caroline Campbell was diagnosed with breast cancer but rescheduled her surgery to attend a wellness retreat, where she equipped herself with the life tools to support her through her health ordeal. She shares her tips for better wellbeing.

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Wired for Life

A chance meeting with the Dalai Lama spurred Martina Sheehan to pen her latest book, Wired for Life, which explores the five key fears that hold us back in our lives. She explains her strive and thrive theory and the freedom that comes from taking respons

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Eat well, get well, stay well

Spending the first 20 years of his life very sick, Jason Bennett suffered from the daily medication treating his various ailments. He tells us how he has rebuilt his body and even cured his asthma by changing his diet & lifestyle.

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Walktober is happening next month, so we caught up with Fiona Bailey, CEO of Physical Activity Australia, to find out how we can stave off obesity and what we can do to increase the amount of physical activity in our daily life.

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What is Ocsober?

More than 22,000 people die in Australia each year as a result of alcohol and drug abuse. Ocsober is a fundraising initiative that encourages people to give up alcohol for the month of October.

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Coeliac Disease: On the rise

Coeliac disease, a gluten-intolerance, is twice as more common as type 1 diabetes. Dietician and acclaimed author Dr Sue Shepherd returns to the show to discuss why.

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Dan Englund, Running for Stroke Awareness

We catch up with Dan Englund, a stroke survivor, on the last leg of his 1000km run to raise awareness for stroke. He tells us the warning signs and what to watch out for when someone is having a stroke.

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Get First Aid Smart

Do you have a first aid kit at home? Daniel Code, training manage from the South Australia Red Cross College, gets us up to speed on First Aid safety

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Blue September: Prostate Health Awareness Month

From the age of 40 onwards, men should start having yearly prostate checks. Michael Chapman, campaign director of Blue September, discusses International Prostate Awareness Month, and key prevention tips.

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Prostate health

Every year in Australia, 20,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. We discuss the symptoms of this debilitating disease and the importance of early detection.

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Running for a cause

Dan Englund set himself the challenge of running 1000km to raise awareness for the National Stroke Foundation after suffering a stroke at the age of 38. Hear more of his story

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Mindfulness for life

Dr Stephen McKenzie, author of ‘Mindfulness for life’, talks to us about the art of letting go and being in the present moment through the practice of mindfulness.

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Elton John: “I Should Be Dead”

Singer Elton John has delivered a rousing speech at the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington, saying that because he did not practice safe sex in the 1980’s, he should already be dead. MiNDFOOD Reports

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Nicotine vaccine could be breath of fresh air for smokers

Scientists are developing a nicotine vaccine that, with just one injection, will prevent the pleasure-triggering chemicals in tobacco from ever reaching the brain.

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Kinesiology: how it could change your life

Suffer from migraines, anxiety, or struggle with your weight? Kinesiology could hold the answer. Teresa Mudgway is a teacher at Sydney’s leading Kinesiology Colleges. She teaches us more about kinesiology.

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Are you at risk of bowel disease?

CEO of CCA, Francesca Manglaviti shares the warning signs of inflammatory bowel disease, and gives her tips for maintaining good bowel health.

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High Cholesterol: the health benefits

Nutritionist Cyndi O’Meara believes that a high cholesterol reading can actually be beneficial to our health – both physically and sexually. She discusses how it should be treated as an indicator, and not a disease.

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Getting Your Mojo Back

Author of ‘How To Get Your Mojo Back’ Dr Ginni Mansburg teaches men and women how to get their zest for life back, and regain their vitality after full time work and children.

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Grow Yourself Up

Author of ‘Growing Yourself Up’, Jenny Brown teaches us how to bring your best to all your life’s relationships, and why growing up is so hard to do.

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Gratitude Matters

Dr Kerry Howells discusses the importance of gratitude with MiDNFOOD Radio, taking a contemporary view on the concept of giving and receiving, from the classroom, and beyond.

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Sandi Rogers’ tips on natural immune-boosting

Founder & Chief Executive Officer of the National College of Traditional Medicine, Sandi Rogers gives her best natural immune boosting tips to get us through the winter.

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