
Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Spot the difference

There are over 100 different forms of dementia in the world, and it can affect people as young as 30. Andrew Italia teaches us the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, and shares the warning signs we should look out for.

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Dealing with depression

Radio broadcaster Craig Hamilton was 37 and getting ready to broadcast the Sydney Olympics when he experienced his first psychotic episode. 12 years on, he shares how to help our loved ones through depression.

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How to de-stress and unwind

MiNDFOOD’s resident hypnotherapist Rhondda Stewart talks us through how to change the way we respond to the stress we encounter in our day-to-day lives by becoming aware of stress-triggers.

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Autism: early intervention and support

We speak to Trevor Clarke from Autism Spectrum Australia about the growing need for support services for autistic children and their families and which early behaviour indicators to watch out for.

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Allowing yourself to heal

Author of ‘The Longest Journey’ and counsellor Amanda Stuart talks about how we can heal ourselves and our lives by confronting our past head on.

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Interview: Bev Aisbett

Author, illustrator and counsellor Bev Aisbett has sold over 500,000 copies of her books nationwide. She talks to us about her battle with anxiety and depression and gives us her tips for getting through the day.

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Cognitive therapy helps bulimia sufferers

We chat to Chris Thornton about the startling rise in bulimia, now affecting one to two per cent of women worldwide. According to Chris, cognitive therapy can now help up to 70-80 per cent of male and female sufferers.

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The power of the subconscious

Margaret Stuart, author of “Free To Be Healthy’, teaches us how to release the thoughts, beliefs and emotions held in our subconscious mind, in order to heal our mind, body and soul.

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Rhondda Stewart: Super Learning

Think you have the memory of a fish? Rhondda Stewart talks to us about super learning, and how we can improve our memory retention and information absorption by exercising our brain.

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Independent Thinking

College principal at Masada College in Sydney, Wendy Barel speaks to us about the importance of teaching students independent or ‘visible’ thinking, when empowering them to believe in themselves.

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MiNDFOOD Radio: Dr Leigh Hodder

Psychologist, Dr Leigh Hodder, says that by the year 2050 we will see a 254% in degenerative brain diseases due to an aging population and lifestyle factors. Here she tells us how we can train our brain and keep it healthy.

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MNDFOOD Radio: Patrick Kayrooz

Fresh from attending the National Enneagram Association, MiNDFOOD Radio’s Patrick Kayrooz shares his learnings with us about this dynamic system of nine personality types that empowers a better understanding of humans.

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MiNDFOOD Radio: Jane Burns

Associate Professor Jane Burns is the Chief Executive Officer of the Young and Well CRC (YAW-CRC). She talks about suicide and depression prevention and shares parenting tips for the new digital and social media age.

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MiNDFOOD Radio – Rhondda Stewart

Founder of the Australian College of Hypnotherapy and author of the MiNDFOOD Relaxation CDs, Rhondda Stewart pops into studio.

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Stop ageing in its tracks by caring for your brain. Follow these seven steps for a long and healthy life, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Exercise protects the brain

Two new studies provide more evidence that regular aerobic exercise not only staves off the problems with thinking and memory that often come with age, but it can actually help turn back the clock on brain ageing, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Cocaine changes how genes work in brain-study

Cocaine changes how genes work in brain-study

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