
How Pilates Can Help Lengthen & Stretch

Pilates is all about control and precision.

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Putting your best foot forward: Why walking is underrated

The health benefits of exercise are undeniable, but you don’t need to take extreme, sweaty measures.

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Functional training: The only fitness regime you’ll ever need

If running for the bus, lifting a suitcase or bending over leaves you short of breath then you need functional training. Here’s everything you need to know about the most comprehensive type of exercise out there.

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26 Affordable Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy on a Budget

Staying active and healthy doesn’t have to break the bank.

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Princess Kate’s Love for Cold Water and Its Surprising Benefits

In a recent candid revelation, the Princess of Wales, shared her deep affection for an unconventional sport that has been gaining popularity in recent years: cold water swimming.

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10 Top tips to ease back into exercising outside this Spring

As the weather warms up and nature comes to life, Spring is the perfect time to get outside and embrace outdoor exercise.

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Four easy ways to make your workouts more effective

Workouts can be made more effective with shorter, more intense exercises.

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Preparing for the Hollyford Track

While the Hollyford Track is not the most difficult of walks, it nonetheless requires some preparation. Here are our top tips to getting your body ready for the days of walking ahead.

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Can’t afford a gym membership? 3 things to include in a DIY exercise program

With the rising cost of living, gyms memberships and fitness classes are becoming increasingly unaffordable. But the good news is you can make just as much progress at home.

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Best workouts for my body shape

What are the best workouts for my body shape? If you find your workout routine is failing to produce the results you’re looking for, then you may want to try one of these body-specific exercise routines.

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Are you walking correctly? Top technique tips that can help

It seems straightforward, but good walking technique can mean you get the most out of the movement.

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Exercise linked to higher pain tolerance – new study

Many benefits come from regularly exercising, including stronger muscles, lower risk of disease and improved mental health. But a recent study suggests that exercise may have another unexpected benefit: it might make us more tolerant to pain.

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Is exercise really good for the brain? Here’s what the science says

The health benefits of physical activity are undeniable.

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Why sitting with crossed legs could be bad for you

Are you sitting comfortably? Just pause for a moment and without adjusting, notice your posture.

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Let’s get physical: Retro workouts are back

It’s time to pull out a leotard and some sweatbands and get ready to sign up for an ’80s-inspired gym session.

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Who is and isn’t suited to barefoot running? And if I want to try, how do I start?

You might have noticed a buzz on social media about barefoot running, with many proponents breathlessly describing it as the most natural way to run.

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Why prolonged sitting may be worse than smoking

Sitting is often touted as ‘the new smoking’, but it is unclear if it is the sitting itself or the lack of physical activity that causes the harm. And how long do we really need to be out of our chairs?

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5 ways to avoid pain and injury when starting a new exercise regime

Getting in the habit of exercising isn’t easy. Not only is finding the time to exercise a major deterrent for people, the fear of aches, pain and injuries is also a reason that people put off starting a new exercise regime. But exercise doesn’t necessarily have to lead to pain or injuries. Here are some simple things you can do to avoid these when starting out.

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Exercises to support digestion and ease bloating this festive season

Robin Kendall, pilates instructor at East of Eden, has offered her top exercises for supporting the digestive system and helping to debloat in just 10 minutes.

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Muscle is important for good health – how to maintain muscle after middle age

Given how important muscle is for our health, the best way to maintain it after 30 is to keep moving.

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Getting fit after COVID? Why you should be strength training – and how to do it

After recovering from COVID, you might be eager to get out and do some exercise, particularly if you’d previously enjoyed keeping fit. While a bit of light cardiovascular training can be a good option, strength training has some particular advantages when it comes to getting over COVID.

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Weekend warrior workouts: here’s how to make the most of them

Most of us know we need to exercise more. Yet finding the time to work out is often easier said […]

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Pilates: research shows how this low-impact workout can benefit your health

Pilates has seen a jump in popularity recently thanks to a spate of celebrity endorsements, including the Kardashians, model Hailey Bieber and actress Kate Hudson. Even elite athletes such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Andy Murray incorporate some form of pilates into their training to improve performance.

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Research Reveals Why Exercise is so Important for Heart Health

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart, research has revealed. 

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Studies show that fitness or exercise can curb anxiety in patients dealing with a chronic illness such as heart and circulatory problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, mental health problems, cancer, and breathing disorders.

The study demonstrates that aerobic exercise has profound effects on brain chemistry and physiology. The behavioural effects of a single exercise “intervention” include improved executive function, enhanced mood and decreased stress levels. The results are a big step toward understanding how the positive impact of exercise may accrue over time to cause long-lasting changes in the brain.

“Exercise interventions are currently being used to help address everything from cognitive impairments in normal ageing, minimal cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease to motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease and mood states in depression,” Suzuki says.

So if you’re serious about keeping your mind healthy and active, it’s worth moving your body too.

Research conducted by Roy Morgan showed that almost three in four New Zealanders doesn’t eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Only around one in three Kiwi women and one in five men eat three or more serves of vegetables and two or more serves of fruit each day, the amount recommended by the New Zealand Ministry of Health.