Ageing & Longevity

How To Train Your Brain

More than 353,800 Australians are currently living with dementia, and many people think cognitive decline is inevitable. But just like muscles in the body, the brain can be exercised and strengthened to help it perform well into old age – so how do we do that?

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Memory Boosters

Five ways to keep your brain fit and ward off cognitive decline.

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Yoga for mind, body and heart

John Hopkins Medicine recommends yoga to help people recovering from heart attacks, and to prevent them from occurring.

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Breakthrough Alzheimer’s drug trial makes headlines

A new Alzheimer’s drug could be the answer experts have been looking for.

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The Nine Secrets to a Long Life

Those wanting to reach a ripe old age have much to learn from a group of centenarians in Japan’s Okinawa islands. They and other 100-year-olds around the world share common habits.

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Brain ‘10 years older’ in overweight people, study shows

Jury still out on links between obesity and memory loss, dementia.

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Healthy mind, healthy body: new research proves it’s right

Australian experts have studied how lifestyle can lead to the onset of depression, and how a healthier lifestyle might help those suffering from depression.

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Work those muscles now

New study finds that working our muscles now, gives us a huge advantage later on in life.

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Italian woman, 116, has become the world’s oldest living person

Introducing Emma Morano, the world’s oldest living person.

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Beauty at your fingertips

Re-energised cells and younger-looking skin can be achieved through boosting your mitochondria – the tiny power plants in our body that combine the food we eat with the air we breathe to make the energy our cells need to operate

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Motor Neurone Disease Week: The facts

Motor Neurone Disease Week: Helping us to reflect, remember and raise awareness.

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The link between exercise and dementia

A new study has shown that the link between exercise and dementia could be more prominent than ever before.

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Leaving your money to charity

Matt Sale is the general manager of retail customers for Public Trust. He is on a mission to ensure each New Zealander has their last wishes heard. Here, Matt reveals what you need to do if you wish to leave assets or money to a charity.

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New study links Alzheimer’s risk with negative thoughts about ageing

How you feel about old age could increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, according to latest study.

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Can change in sense of humour be a sign of something more sinister?

An increase in a twisted or warped sense of humour could show the earliest signs of alzheimer’s, according to new study.

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Overcoming the stereotypes of ageing

Where you live might be a factor in how you are viewed as you age, according to a new study.

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Stay Younger for Longer

Mitochondria are our cellular batteries – structures within cells that convert the energy from food into a form cells can use. As we age, our mitochondria come under attack from free radicals from stress, illness and pollution. The earlier you try and prevent this process, the better. Giving mitochondria a boost as soon as we can and continuing this for the long-term may help slow the ageing process.

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Study finds social butterflies in their 20’s are healthier and happier in their 50’s

Lower risk of early mortality for those socially connected in their younger years

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Latest Brain Food Discovered in New Zealand

The latest research suggests that New Zealand blackcurrants are an excellent source of brain food to increase concentration levels and will potentially be used as treatments against Parkinson’s disease and mental disorders.

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How do you make sure your special things go to special people?

How do you ensure your special belongings go to the people you want? We take a look at the role of an executor of a will.

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7 things you need to know about Wills

Ensuring your last wishes are made can ease the burden for loved ones. Here are 7 things you need to know about making a will.

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Eating your greens helps to maintain sharp mental ability

A new study reveals that warding off potential cognitive decline can be as easy as upping your green leafy vegetable intake.

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Diet drinks may lead to increased fat in older people

Think diet drinks are the smarter choice? Perhaps not. A new study suggests that diet drinks may cause weight gain in older people

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Identifying Dementia: 10 Key Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Unraveling the nuances of dementia in loved ones can be challenging.

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Ageing & longevity posts.