Step One: Extended Side-Angle Pose
Stand with feet approximately 1 metre apart. Raise arms parallel to floor, palms down. Slightly turn left foot to the right and right foot forwards. Bend right knee over right ankle, so shin is perpendicular to floor. Reach left arm towards the ceiling. Rest right arms on right leg. Repeat on other side.
Step Two: Seated Twist
This asana simultaneously stretches the muscles on one side of the back and abdomen and contracts the muscles on the other side, making the back muscles more supple. Sit on the floor with legs straight out in front of you. Bend right knee over straight left leg. Twist upper body to the right, away from the bent knee. Repeat to other side.
Step Three: Camel Pose
Back-bending asanas stretch the abdomen and strengthen and tone the muscles controlling the spine. Kneel on the floor with knees hip-width apart and thighs perpendicular to floor. Rest hands on the back of your pelvis, then gently lean back.
Step Four: Crescent Lunge
Take a large step forward from standing position; keep knee over ankle. Extend arms overhead. Press feet into ground and lift belly; tuck in tailbone. Repeat with other leg. Take full breaths in and out while doing this move.
Step Five: Janu Sirsasana
This asana stretches the hamstring muscles and increases flexibility in the hip joints. It stimulates circulation to the nerves and muscles of the spine. From a seated position, stretch one leg forward and bend one leg at the knee. Bend forward, keeping back straight; aim to reach your toe or knee. Repeat with other leg.
Step Six: Downward Dog
Start on hands and knees. Tuck in toes and lift tailbone to form an upside-down V. This move warms you up, lengthens hamstrings to ease stiffness from traditional seated positions, and rejuvenates.
Step Seven (Part 1) – Warrior II
Take a big step forward with arms extended above and in front of you.
Step Seven (Part 2) – Warrior II
Bring arms to sides at shoulder height, palms down. Press feet into floor. Keep front knee over ankle, press with back foot, and keep shoulders back. Gaze past front hand.
Step Eight – Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Plant feet about 1 metre apart, arms out at sides at shoulder height. Bend at hips over one leg, keeping spine elongated. Bring lower arm to rest on lower leg and look up towards upper hand. Return to standing, then repeat on other side.
Photography by Mel Koutchavlis