UN Goodwill Ambassador and MiNDFOOD cover star from our 2015 August issue, Emma Watson is speaking out against the startling gender pay gap in Hollywood.
In response to concerns about appearing ‘difficult’ by talking about money in the industry, Watson says things are changing, she says she notices a willingness amongst women to be more assertive.
“Fine. Call me a ‘diva,’ call me a ‘feminazi,’ call me ‘difficult,’ call me a “First World feminist,’ call me whatever you want, it’s not going to stop me from trying to do the right thing and make sure that the right thing happens.”
In 2014 a group calling themselves the “Guardians of Peace” breached Sony’s servers and revealed details of the huge disparity between Jennifer Lawrence’s pay as opposed to her male colleagues on the film American Hustle. This began a public dialogue, which is now still raging about the gender pay gap in Hollywood.
Emma Watson has been vocal about the issue, using her celebrity to highlight the issues. She pointed out to Esquire in a recent interview that “maybe things are opening up a bit for actresses, but certainly as far as female directors are concerned, the numbers are so ridiculous.”
The statistics that highlight the alarming lack of women in director, writer and production roles is yet another blow to an industry justifiably under more scrutiny than ever before. The Hollywood film industry essentially reflects western culture back to the world and us. According to a growing number of concerned actors, crew and citizens, it therefore has a responsibility to portray the culture in all its diversity, as well as adequately and equally pay people for the work they do.
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