Historically, when it comes to the Royal Family divorce has always been a bit of a no-no. As leaders of the Church and role models of many things (including how best to wear a skirt suit, wave without moving your elbow, and generally live a good life), the Royals prefer a perfect record. However in light of recent events, including the imminent wedding of Prince Harry to divorcee Meghan Markle, it appears the Windors have adopted a more modern point of view.
Let’s rewind to the marriage of Wallis Simpson to King Edward VIII. It’s June 3rd 1937, Wallis is wearing blue, and the two love-birds are tying the knot. Edward has been given the title of Duke of Windsor as, because of Wallis and her colourful spousal past, he has had to abdicate the throne. Not one member of Edward’s family attends the wedding and the controversial couple are shunned by the Royal Family.
Take a little jump to 1953, when Queen Elizabeth pumped the marital breaks once again and denied her sister permission to marry her divorcee lover. Now skip to the marriage of Prince Charles to Camilla Parker-Bowles in 2005. In the monarchy’s boldest declaration against the stigma of divorce, the union was accepted. The 2002 change by the church, allowing remarriage for a divorced person with a living spouse, wasn’t the only thing that allowed Royals freedom of marriage; the Queen’s grace and understanding of the situation also granted Camilla and Charles a second chance at marriage and love, free from condemnation and rejection.
Fast forward and Harry is about to enter into a marriage with a woman who is not dissimilar to Wallis. However Meghan is about to join the Royal Family under dramatically different circumstances from her American counterpart, with the same grace that was extended to her Father-In-Law. Accepted, welcomed, and even celebrated by the Windors, Meghan is living proof that becoming a Hollywood Princess isn’t something only possible in the movies, and that love and acceptance is stronger than any rule or tradition.