As the temperature heats up, our bodies lose important nutrients. Added humidity and heat means our bodies are put under more stress and must work harder to function correctly. Taking supplements during spring and summer will help your body operate at the same level it does during Autumn and Winter and keep you feeling energised and healthy. Try the vitamins below for maximum results.
Vitamin C
If you can only afford to take one supplement, take vitamin C. This multi-purpose vitamin helps your body manage heat and ward off related issues such as heat strokes and rashes. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and enhances collagen production in the skin, which in turn protects it from sun damage. Additionally, if you suffer from hayfever vitamin C will alleviate some of the symptoms as it is also a natural antihistamine. You can find vitamin C in several foods, including broccoli, berries and tomatoes.
Vitamin E
Like vitamin C, vitamin E protects the skin from sun damage. It has various other benefits, including being able to increase muscle strength and physical endurance, and rid the body of impurities. Eat foods such as tofu, spinach, oily fish, lean meat and nuts to add more vitamin E into your diet.
Vitamin A
Studies have found vitamin A can reduce the risk of skin cancer – which is just one of its benefits. Vitamin A has powerful antioxidant properties and supports the immune system and organ function during the hotter months. It also helps skin grow and repair, which is extremely important after UV damage. Kale, kiwifruit, strawberries and yellow peppers are all good sources of vitamin A.