In just over one month’s time, United States President Donald Trump and North Korean President Kim Jong Un will meet for the first time. The two world leaders, whose rivalry reached boiling point last year, will finally come together to discuss a peaceful path forward.
The pair has agreed to meet on June 12th in Singapore, which has maintained good relations with both Washington DC and Pyongyang. A meeting in the United States or North Korea was out of the question, given that it would signal a power imbalance between the two leaders.
Trump took to Twitter to share the news. “The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!” he wrote. This came just hours after three Americans who had been held prisoner in North Korea were returned safely to the United States.
Trump said reaching peace with North Korea would be the highlight of his Presidency. “I think we have a very good chance of doing something very meaningful,” the Sydney Morning Herald reports. “My proudest achievement will be – this is part of it – when we denuclearise that entire peninsula.”