With the festive season in full swing, many are already planning their new year’s resolutions in anticipation of their seasonal indulgence.
But what many don’t realise, is that resolutions don’t need to be started in the new year, there are easy ways that you can incorporate healthy lifestyle choices into your current mentality.
Start the new year now with detoxing foods to jumpstart your body’s natural cleansing work.
Artichokes are excellent for the liver. Acting to protect and purify the organ, studies have also shown that the beautiful vegetable could in fact work to regenerate liver tissues. They are also very high in fibre.
These colourful veggies are full of detoxifying agents. They are a great source of B3, B6 and C as well as magnesium, zinc and iron. This incredible veggie assists our liver and gall bladder and helps to break down toxins in the blood. Incorporate into juices and smoothies or eat raw in salads for a sweet crunch that’s packed full of nutrients.
Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables such as seaweed, kelp or dulse flakes add a delicious salty flavour to salads or stir fries. The high levels of antioxidants help alkalise the blood and strengthen our digestive tract. The powerful greens also act as sponges, working to absorb toxins, removing them from our digestive tract. Many stores now sell delicious snack packs of seaweed, often flavoured with a hit of chilli, wasabi or salt. One little pack can contain our daily recommended dose of iodine as well.
Watercress is a superfood in its own right, but is often left in the shadows of more well known greens like kale and spinach. The cleansing properties of watercress help to clean out the liver and remove toxic buildup. The leafy green also boosts immunity and provides thyroid support.
Dandelion is a liver’s best friend. The root is considered a weed by many gardening enthusiasts but its healing properties should not be wasted. The underused flower has been used in treating liver issues for centuries, but regular consumption (especially in tea form) can aid in the upkeep of a healthy liver. The weed-like superfood also acts as a diuretic that helps the kidneys to clear out waste, excess and water.