This tiny invention has helped save 150,000 babies

By Kate Hassett

Photo: Shabnam's Story 'Embrace Innovations'
Photo: Shabnam's Story 'Embrace Innovations'
How this tiny invention could save millions of babies in developing nations across the world.

When babies are born premature they are swiftly transported to a humidicrib, or incubator, where the child is given the best chance at a full recovery by maintaining the proper temperature until, it is healthy enough to survive without it. This is standard procedure, without which many babies would lose their lives before being able to leave the hospital.

However, this standard procedure is rarely an option for mothers in developing countries. Where the constant electricity required to operate the machine, as well as the specialised training needed,  inhibits most mothers from receiving the proper care to save their child’s life.

Thankfully, Embrace Innovations  has found a way to combat this by providing safe and cost effective means through which hospitals can save children without the need for a humidicrib.

Now vulnerable babies that require immediate temperature control are being placed in the ‘Embrace Nest’ – a portable warmer that looks more like a sleeping bag than an incubator, but performs the same action.

There is no need for a power supply, and is being used in hospitals and ambulances to ensure the effective care of premature infants to avoid unnecessary deaths.

The company has also designed a take-home version where mothers can maintain the proper care for their children once out of the hospital.

This innovation has meant the women who are not in the financial position to remain in hospital to see out the required amount of care for their baby, can return home with the affordable and life saving device, to ensure their children have the greatest start in life.

The products have so far reached over 150,000 babies across 10 countries.


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