Do you eat mindfully, or do your meals tend to disappear within minutes? Do you eat on the run, or take the time to sit, slice and swallow? It might be time to reassess your eating patterns.
New research from Hiroshima University found that people who eat quickly are 11.6% more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, which in turn increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
The study, which analysed the eating speed of 441 women and 642 men across five years, also discovered that the fast eaters had higher blood pressure, bad fat levels and blood sugar levels after cutting back on food for a time. Additionally, fast eaters were also three times more likely to be overweight or obese than slow eaters.
The news that eating quickly is unhealthy doesn’t come as a surprise – it’s been known for years that the body can’t send ‘full’ signals to the brain as easily when food is being consumed too fast.
One way to combat the issues is to practice mindful eating and make a conscious effot to chew your food more slowly. Doing so allows your taste buds to recognise food and send a message to your brain.