The dress that’s dividing the internet

The dress that’s dividing the internet
Is this dress blue and black or white and gold? This is the question dividing the online world right now.

It sounds ludicrous but the dress pictured here is driving people all over the world wild.  Is it blue with black trim or white with gold trim? You tell us!

So far the MiNDFOOD office remains divided, the majority are in the blue and black camp, our fashionable New Zealand office was a little more specific saying lilac, eggshell blue with a dark gold/taupe trim. That is, except for our freelance designer Virginia, who swears she can see white and gold. Where she is getting this from we do not know but she is standing her ground, for her this is a white and gold dress:



It started on a Tumblr page where a user posted this dress with the caption, “guys please help me – is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree and we are freaking out.”

Now this may be the thing that breaks the internet, the dress is already trending with thousands of tweets per minute with hasthtags ranging from #whiteandgold #TheDress and #Dressgate.

Ellen DeGenres, summed up the saga perfectly:

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BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith is having his daughter medically examined after her description of the colours of the dress:

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New York Times technology reporter Mike Isaac swears the dress changed colours on him:

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One hilarious tweet posted this cartoon to sum up the effect that “the dress question” is having on relationships:


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What do you see? Please help us by sharing your thoughts in the comments section below.


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