The Big Egg Hunt

By Carolyn Enting

The Big Egg Hunt
One hundred giant eggs created by New Zealand artists and designers were hidden across the country in the early hours of this morning.

The 100 giant eggs are ready to be discovered as part of The Whittaker’s Big Egg Hunt in support of Starship.

The works of art have secretly popped up in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, and members of the public have a chance to hunt for the eggs until April 7. After the hunt the eggs will be auctioned off for Starship at www.trademe/, and at a gala event in Auckland on March 31.

The eggs have been created by fashion designers, including World and Zambesi, and artists including Jillian Friedlander (featured in the current issue of MiNDFOOD Style) who has created a beautiful filigree egg for the event (see below).

JillianFriedlanderEgg for web


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