A sore neck can really affect your comfort level and mood. Inflammation or injury to the bones and muscles of the neck can cause stiffness, aching and sharp pains. Usually neck pain isn’t serious and will go away with a little rest or added help within a few days. During this time try to maintain a moderate level of activity and keep on as normal as much as you’re able to without adding extra strain to your neck region. However, if you find yourself suffering from ongoing neck pain, you should seek medical attention from a doctor or nurse. Below, we explore the most common causes of neck pain and the ways in which this ailment can be treated.
Causes of neck pain
The most common cause of neck pain is poor posture. If you work at a desk for most of the day and don’t change position very often, you risk hurting the neck. Sleeping with your neck in a bad position can also cause neck pain, as does jerking it when exercising. Neck pain can also come about as a result of anxiety and stress, and symptoms can include everything from pain in the neck, shoulders and upper chest, as well as difficulty turning your head.
There are several at-home treatments you can try to alleviate neck pain. The application of cold and hot packs can relieve pain, and gentle neck stretches may also help. Even laying off the exercise for a day or two can make a big difference. Other things you can try include sleeping with a neck pillow, relaxing in a hot bath, and taking over-the-counter pain relief tablets. If you don’t like medication from the doctor, acupuncture is a good option to try first.
Read more about how technology causes a sore neck.