Play To Power

By Kate Hassett

Play To Power
How a soccer ball is providing power to communities without electricity.

When Uncharted Play were looking to find a way to combat the fact that over 1.1 billion people across the globe were living without electricity, they stumbled across the idea for the Soccket.

The invention is actually a soccer ball that generates power when it’s played with. Just one hour of fun can lead to three hours of energy, that can be used for everything from providing light and charging devices to powering a heater.

“It’s meant to be that thing that jolted people into realising what was possible. The most interesting ideas are going to come from the places that people would never expect. Just a little bit of power can make such a huge difference.” said Uncharted Play’s Co-Founder and CEO Jessica O. Matthews to Upworthy.

Not only does this practical solution to a lack of energy provide safe alternatives to dangerous options like kerosene lamps and diesel generators, the light also provides the important aspect of continued education.

As their promo video suggests, the power of light can impact future generations in a very real way.

“The most striking thing we need in this environment is light. When there is no light, how do you read? Without education, we are nothing” says Nigerian teacher James Ajah Eiche.

Think about it. The children go to school and do their work, by the time the night falls there is no way for them to do homework, or catch up on reading, therefore limiting their education to daylight hours. This disadvantage has huge ramifications for continuing the cycle of poverty and makes it near impossible to escape from the darkness that keeps them there.

The Soccket ball has so far seen over 40,000 units distributed to communities in need.

“We provide off-grid power that’s good for people and good for the earth.  Our products generate clean power that can lead to more education, increased income, improved air quality, environmental sustainability, and better health – especially for women and kids.  We inspire communities to challenge how they think about energy and electricity, and consider new ways to power their lives.” a statement reads on the Uncharted Play website.

For more information or to see how you can help, visit the Uncharted Play website.




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