While most of our Post-it® blogs have shown how invaluable the products are when it comes to creating MiNDFOOD, Post-it® products are also a necessity when it comes to general office day-to-day tasks. A scan of MiNDFOOD HQ this week showed us just how much we rely on Post-it® products to ensure office life runs nice and smoothly. After the usual morning rush of getting the kids to school…
…battling the traffic and finding a relatively close car park, the first job to get on top of in the office is an important one: breakfast. Thanks to a handy message left on a Post-it® Super Sticky Note, the sticky situation of getting into the boss’s favourite honey is avoided.
While we’re on the topic of stickiness, a well-placed Post-it® Easel Pad has also been known to go a long way.
So, with any red-faced moments and possible run-ins with the boss now thwarted, it’s time to get on with some work… but not before coffee. Some carefully placed Post-it® Note Filing Tabs to remind everyone how to operate the new machine helps us dodge any possible technical glitches. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened.
Now for the best time of the day: 3pm, otherwise known as chocolate hour. With everyone’s orders not-so-discreetly placed on a Post-it® Big Pad (it’s my turn to run down to the local dairy), I head down the street diligently. The last time a Mars Bar was bought in place of a Kit Kat, all hell broke loose in our fashion department.
So the remainder of the day is spent in a happy office… that is, until this happened: