Bedtime Foot Bath
In the evenings, we often have an overheated head, but cold feel – really, it should be the other way around. A foot bath with moor Lavender Calming Bath Essence or Rose Nurturing Bath Essence warms, harmonises and grounds. Enjoy a wonderful footbath first and then slide under the bed covers straight after.
Look Inside
Eye Revive is wonderfully suited to drawing your focus inwards, in order to be mindful of your body. As the extrafcts of eyebright, fennel, anthyllis, chamomile and black tea on the cotton pads attend to your tired eyes, you can simply drift off to sleep.
Three Tools For Sleep
A light meal, a good book and an open window. This is often all it takes for your mind and body to become attuned with the night.
Create Transitions
Those who go to sleep straight after an evening of exercise or watching television sometimes miss out on a restful night and a valuable phase: letting go of the day and processing everything you experienced in the course of it. Think about what you’ve done, who you met and which precious moments you want to cherish. Peacefully reap the fruits of the day. And don’t let your thoughts wander to the next day. Tomorrow morning will come around quickly enough for that.
Live Rhythmically
When you create rhythm in your everyday life, for example by eating at regular intervals, staying active or taking breaks for work, you automatically strengthen your day-night rhythm. The more conscientiously active you are throughout the day, the easier the polar opposite will come to you at it’s end: a refreshing sleep.