Six Things You Must Know Before You Travel to Antarctica

By Donna Duggan

Silversea - Antarctica
Just go! It really is an adventure like no other.
We are currently cruising towards the Antarctica Peninsula on Silversea’s Silver Cloud.

Having just passed Elephant island we watch in awe as a pod of fin whales skims past, followed closely by raft of penguins. The sun is out and it bounces off the surrounding icebergs, sparkling in the distance.

If you’re stuck in a rut, in need of adventure or curious about travelling to the most awe inspiring place on the planet read on.

  1. Pay close attention to your itinerary: I know Silversea has many return guests, but I’m surprised by how many have already done the 10-day cruise to Antarctica. In addition to loving the trip the first time, many people return to include South Georgia in their itinerary. While it extends the trip to 15-days, you won’t be disappointed by the destination including visiting penguin colonies, the final resting place of Ernest Shackleton, kayaking opportunities and the most picture perfect views. It also means you have to only cross the more moody part of the Drake Passage once.
  2. Be prepared: “we are travelling to the most inhospital place on earth” our Silversea expedition leader tells us on our first night “we will not take any risks with your health and safety” he reassures us “but we recommend you follow our advice”.  Things change quickly here, it can go from sparkling skies and glassy waters to howling winds and swells in a heartbeat and thanks to all their experience and technology our expedition team are always spot on with what we need to take on excursions, from cold weather gear, to walking poles (yes it’s worth taking them) to sun hats. Silversea have a packing list with everything you may need including thermals, wool and fleece socks and clothing, waterproof pants (a jacket is provided), two pairs of polarised sunglasses, gloves and beanie (in case one is lost), comfortable clothing for onboard the ship and workout gear and swimmers if you are planning on hitting the gym or heated pool and spa…. Or taking a polar plunge.
  3. Take seasickness tablets. Most people don’t get seasick but it can happen, particularly if you have a rough day on the Drake’s Passage. The Silversea expedition leader would warn us if it looked like the waves and wind may pick up so you could take preventative measures before it hit. Some people like the patches you put behind your ear, some like the bands that you wear on your wrists, most just took over the counter motion sickness tablets like Kwells or Dramamine.
  4. Plan your sea days: if you haven’t spent time on boats or cruises you may baulk at the idea of sea days but they can be quite fabulous. It’s a time you can totally relax, as there’s nowhere you need to be and there’s nothing you have to do. But if you don’t love the idea of having a free day stretching ahead, on Silver Cloud there’s hundreds of movies to watch in your suite, there’s a library packed with books, there’s a gym, spa (make sure you book your treatments early) pool, hot tubs, sauna, educational talks and onboard entertainment such as trivia and karaoke that are a lot of fun. There’s also plenty of amazing food and drink available 24/7 … and of course the most dazzling view to watch.
  5. Keep an eye out for deals and discounts: most operators offer various deals throughout the year, whether it’s credits to use on board, discounts on single supplements or deals on packages. Just don’t wait too long, they are usually snapped up pretty fast.
  6. Just go. If the idea of a trip to Antarctica is something you would love to do but it seems too out of your comfort zone, trust me, it’s not. I’m not the bravest of souls, in fact I agonise and worry about everything, but I never for one second felt unsafe or out of my depth. If you travel with an experienced operator like Silversea, you’re in safe hands. It really is an adventure like no other.


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