It seems that the film industry lately has become intent on remaking and repackaging every single superhero/comic star to ever exist. Whereas fifteen years ago you could pick from Batman, Superman, Buzz Lightyear, or Spiderman, now children are spoilt for choice.
Straying from the Marvel/DC universe, is Lovelane designs, an imaginative endeavour by designer Lane Huerta.
Huerta was impassioned about endorsing creativity and innovation in children, and giving them a new reason to stop watching television and playing video games.
Instead she wanted to fuel their wishes to create their own universe. Instead of acting out the narrative of a well known character, her designs allow the children to form their own story.
“Kids have wild imaginations. It amazes me everyday how my daughter sees the world” says Huerta.
“Our capes and hats simply help tell and elaborate on their story with a splash of colour and pizazz”
In creating their own superhero narrative, Huerta hopes that the designs will inspire parents to encourage play over TV and iPad’s and let their children expand their imaginations into creating their own universe.
“You never know, today’s play session might be tomorrow’s next great novel. What can we achieve if we allow ourselves to dream big?”
Visit the Lovelane website for more inspiration.