Say Goodbye To Prince Harry Third-Wheeling

The Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Prince Harry watch the Tour de France, July 5, 2014.
The Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Prince Harry watch the Tour de France, July 5, 2014.
The soon-to-be married royal will have a woman on his arm for future photo opportunities.

Prince Harry’s single-status has been evident ever since his older brother William married Kate Middleton in 2011. The trio has attended many events together over the past six years, posing for countless photographs that highlighted the group’s uneven number and positioned Prince Harry as a third wheel of sorts.

Thankfully for Harry, things are about to change. In May 2018, he will wed Meghan Markle, who he began dating in 2016. To acknowledge the change about to take place, we take a look back at some of Prince Harry’s funniest third-wheel moments. View them in the gallery below.


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