Robert Downey Jr. gifts 7-year-old a 3D-printed bionic Iron Man


Robert Downey Jr. gifts 7-year-old a 3D-printed bionic Iron Man
Robert Downey Jr. has shared the moment he gave a 7-year-old the gift of an Iron Man bionic arm, it will melt your heart.

We think this little boy will be the most popular school kid in the world today.

Alex, a 7-year-old boy, received the best gift ever, a bionic arm that looks exactly like the one in the Iron Man film series.

Overnight, movie superhero Iron Man, real-life Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr, delivered the prosthetic limb to Alex, who was born with a partially-developed right arm.

“Had the absolute privilege of presenting a brand-spanking new 3D-printed bionic Iron Man arm to Alex, the most dapper 7-year-old I’ve ever met,” Downey Jr wrote on his Facebook page, noting young Alex’s spiffy bow tie.

The arm was created for Alex by Albert Manero, a Fulbright scholar and engineer who develops 3D-printed limbs at low cost for those in need, via his startup Limbitless Solutions.

We guarantee this will be the best thing you watch all day! Especially when you see the moment the pair ‘fistbump’ bionic arms!



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