Rescued baby cow ‘Goliath’ fits right in with the family

Rescued baby cow ‘Goliath’ fits right in with the family
Cow that thinks he's a dog is taking the internet by storm.

When Shaylee Hubbs and her family rescued a calf from a dairy farm where he was being sent to the slaughter, she never thought he would become such a vital part of the family.

Goliath, was raised along side three dogs and as such, has developed an identity crisis – he thinks he’s a dog.

‘They chase and play together, he watches how they eat their dog food and drink water from their bowls and copies them and he even lays in their dog beds.,’ Hubbs told ABC News.

My cow thinks he’s a dog… We left the door open for 5 minutes

Most recently, Goliath figured out how to let himself into the house and perch himself on the family’s couch, all with the help of the family’s Great Dane named Leonidas.

“He’s best friends with Leo, and so he used to watch Leo push down the door handle and come and sit on the couch,” Hubbs said. “And of course, he now knows how to come in, too. He just pushes down on the knob with his head and lets himself in and onto our couch.”

According to Hubbs, the sneaky pair have formed a strong friendship after Leo took it upon himself to help raise the malnourished calf.

“He would lick the little cow on the face and try to nudge him to stand up,” she said. “He would lay down with the sick, little cow for hours just to keep him company.”

Goliath is only one of the members who call the Hubbs’ ranch home. It also houses horses, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens and dogs.


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