Vladimir Putin is infamous for his views on homosexuality, so it’s hardly a surprise to see that the party he leads, United Russia has launched a ‘Real Family’ flag in response to the popular rainbow flag.
In an effort to counteract the colourful symbol and its message of love, rights and equality, fellow United Russia politician Alexey Lisovenko explained why they created the new flag, to Russian news source Izvestia,
“our answer to same sex marriages, this mockery of the very concept of family. We must prevent gay fever in our country and support traditional values.”
The unveiling of the flag has caused a media storm, but not in the vein of the ubiquitous rainbow flag, which saw thousands of supporters pasting it over their Facebook profile pics.
The flag for “Straight Families” has inspired a response on social media challenging the Russian party’s understanding of what it means to be a true family. View some of the re-imagined flags people are calling improved versions with hashtags such as #GayDads, #GayMums and #realfamily, below:
The slogan on Putin’s ruling party’s anti-gay flag is “#realfamily“: #настоящаясемья Here are some improved versions. pic.twitter.com/afCBhlj0wW
— Ystri Ya (@ystriya) July 10, 2015
#We are ALL real families! #realfamily #Настоящаясемья #straightpride #GayFamily #GayDads #GayMums #Gay #GayRights pic.twitter.com/WwoYd7znJq — Gaybourhood (@gaybourhoodguru) July 8, 2015