Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have been married for almost 15 years. The Australian actress says that she follows a simple rule to keep their marriage strong: not texting each other.
“We call. We’ve done this since the very beginning,” Nicole Kidman said in an interview with Parade magazine, but the couple don’t text. “The reason it started at the beginning was because I didn’t know how to text and it just kind of worked for us. So now we don’t.”
“We just do voice to voice or skin to skin, as we always say. We talk all the time and we FaceTime but we just don’t text because I feel like texting can be misrepresentative at times,” she went on to say.
The actress added, “I’ve had the thing where I reread texts and I’m like, ‘What does that mean?’ and then read it to somebody and go ‘Can you interpret that?’ I don’t want that between my lover and I.”
The actress and the country singer, who have two children together, may have figured out what works for their relationship (no texting and “not having secrets”, according to Kidman), but she says they don’t like to dish out advice to other couples.
“We never tell anybody any advice about their relationship or think that we have a secret. We just approach it with humility and hope and just really love hanging out,” Kidman says. “I mean it’s that simple. We love spending time together. We have a lot of fun together and we just choose each other. If there is one person I can hang out with, it’s him and the girls and that’s it.”