New Zealand man Barry Cox, once aspired to be the Pope. Although he never made it to the Vatican, he has found a rather unusual way to get closer to God.
Four years after the process of carefully training tree branches into a structurally complex church structure began, his mission is complete.
The church is comprised of mature tree branches he was able to repurpose, and sits in Cambridge, on New Zealand’s North Island at his 1.2 hectare property.
Cox combined his passion for church architecture with his gardening expertise to create an enormous Masonry-style structure comprised of Cut Leaf Alder, Cooper Sheen, Camelia Black Tie, Acer Globsoum and Thuja Pyramidalis. The clever design combining dense trees with sparse foliage means the church will always be bathed in sunlight.
Set on three acres of breathtaking gardens, Cox has also incorporated a labyrinth walk.
The talented owner of gardening company, Treelocations,was able to bring his dream to fruition, as he replants whole, live trees using enormous mechanized spades for his day job.