Have you ever sent a text that you immediately regretted? Perhaps it was an accident of friendship-destroying proportions?
Everyone will be breathing a collecting sigh of relief to know an app has finally been created that that lets you take back your misguided message. What took the tech boffins so long?
“On Second Thought” allows us a text-fail reprieve from embarrassing autocorrects and drunk thoughts no one needs to know.
Messages are recalled up to one minute after they’re sent, crucially before they reach their recipient. It imports all of your contacts and text messages, and still works even if the other person doesn’t have the app.
Late night text disasters have also been considered with a curfew option that send your text messages straight to the safety of a draft folder after a designated time at night.
The face-saving APP is currently only available to Android users, so iPhone users still need to be on their best, texting behavior till the developer Maci Peterson unveils the Apple-friendly version at the end of the year.
What’s been your funniest text-fail?