Move over man-caves, women are finding refuge in she-sheds

By Maria Kyriacou

Move over man-caves, women are finding refuge in she-sheds
In another great leap for equality women are finally getting a ‘room of one’s own’.

She-sheds are an emerging trend, and women’s answer to the long-established man-cave.

The average man-cave has been rather simple in terms of aesthetic design; a wooden or tin shed with an old couch, TV, alcohol and some tools thrown in.

She-sheds are more reflective of their inhabitants’ style, with individual preferences for shabby chic, 50s retro or Tudor Pavilion. There’s even a dedicated page on Pinterest brimming with ideas.

The difficult thing to comprehend is why it’s taken so long. It makes sense when we consider that according to The Australian Bureau of Statistics women are still bearing the brunt of household work and care of children, despite being more active in the workforce than ever before.

A quick escape to a retreat at the end of the garden could be just what every exhausted woman needs!

What would your she-shed look like?



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